From the last post to this, my life has completely took a different turn. I'm on the verge of breaking up with my other half when then we were the envy of many troubled couples.
He's been the most tender lover and the biggest jerk ever, all at the same time. Men can do that. And who says you can't figure out women??
Anyways, what I've can say for now is, been there and done with the stream of tears. I've packed my bag & on the way to my parents'. Hope we can still save "what was left" (according to him).
The fact is, only his ego is hurt and everything else is still in tact. The problem is, 99.5% of his existence is made up with his ego. And apparently it has been wiped out cruelly "like a tsunami". So there you go, only 0.5% left and that includes us & everything else. I can see the logic. The only thing is, it doesn't make sense.
Go figure.
Let's see where this ship will land. But I know it's going to land very soon somewhere.